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Can a Single Parent Adopt in Texas?

 Posted on March 21, 2025 in Adoption

TX family lawyerEvery state in the United States allows single people to adopt a child so long as they meet all the requirements. A single parent is capable of providing a stable, loving environment for a child in the same way that a married couple can. In 2021, there were 35,940 adoptions by married couples, 13,307 adoptions by single females, 1,799 adoptions by single males, and 2,008 adoptions by unmarried couples. If you have made the decision to adopt as a single parent, it is important that you have experienced legal assistance from a Fort Worth, TX family law attorney.

Adoption Issues to Consider

Every adoption requires a home study to ensure the child will be placed in a safe, stable home. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services could conduct the home study, or an attorney ad litem who represents the child’s best interests could also conduct it. During the home study, you will need to provide medical and financial documents, a background check, proof of parenting classes, and show that you have completed in-home safety preparations.  

Since a single adoptive parent will not receive financial assistance in the form of child support from a biological parent, it is important that you are financially able to provide for a child’s needs. Is your job flexible enough to be available for your child, or do you have family members or close friends who can help you when necessary? All potential adoptive parents must meet the following criteria to be considered:

  • You must be at least 21 years old.
  • You must demonstrate financial stability.
  • You must provide appropriate references.
  • You must be a responsible, mature adult.
  • Your lifestyle and background information must be freely shared as required.
  • You must pass a criminal background check and a child abuse background check. If anyone else lives in your home, they must pass both of these as well.
  • If you are divorced, you must provide proof of your marriage and divorce.  
  • You must complete the application to adopt a child.
  • You must undergo – and pass – a home study.  

At some point, you and any extended family members or others who will have interactions with the child will undergo interviews with DFPS or the attorney. These interviews are to get a good idea of your family dynamics and how a child will fit into those family dynamics. The social worker will evaluate your readiness to have a child in your life and make a recommendation to the court. The judge will review all the reports, including the interviews and home study, to decide whether it is in a child’s best interests for you to adopt.

What Are Some Disqualifiers for Single-Parent Adoption?

There are several factors that could potentially disqualify you from adopting a child, including:

  • A criminal history that includes sexual offenses, domestic violence, homicide, human trafficking, felony endangerment or abandonment of a child, or child abuse.
  •  Ongoing substance abuse issues
  • Chronic or life-threatening physical conditions
  • Severe mental conditions that are not well-controlled with medication

Even though Texas does not require adoptive parents to be married, private adoption agencies may have their own internal requirements or preferences, including that adoptive parents must be married.

Contact a Fort Worth, TX Adoption Lawyer

If you are considering adopting as a single parent, the process will go much more smoothly if you have a Fort Worth, TX adoption attorney to guide you. Attorney Clark is experienced in all aspects of family law and has first-hand experience in the stress of divorce. He is a member of the Texas Bar Foundation and the Tarrant County Bar Association. Call 817-348-6723 to schedule your free consultation.

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