Fort Worth, TX Adoption Attorney
Your Pathway to Parenthood in Fort Worth, TX
Adopting a child can be a wonderful and joyful process, but it can also be frustrating and complicated. There are many legal hurdles that need to be cleared before prospective parents can bring their adopted child home. Both of you will likely need to clear extensive background checks and parental fitness examinations. Texas courts want to make sure that when they place a child with an adoptive family, the child will be safe and well cared for. The adoption process can be confusing, and it may take several years depending on the circumstances of your case.
The Law Office of J. Kevin Clark P.C. is experienced in helping people who wish to become parents through adoption achieve their goals. Our experienced legal team understands the process of adoption, and we can guide you and your partner through each and every step. We can help you clear the obstacles to becoming an adoptive parent in the most efficient manner possible. It is likely in your best interest to be represented by a local adoption attorney as soon as you have made the decision to adopt a child.
Types of Adoption in Texas
Prospective parents who cannot or choose not to have a child naturally have many different options for adopting a child. Options for adoption in Texas include:
- Family adoption - If the child you plan to adopt is related to you, the process may be a little easier. Courts often choose to place children who cannot remain with their biological parents for any reason with family members. These adoptions are often out of necessity or a desire to protect a related child.
- Agency adoption - This is a common choice for people who want children but cannot conceive or prefer to take in a child who has already been born and needs a loving family. Agency adoption connects biological parents who have chosen to place their baby up for adoption with parents who are seeking to adopt. There are two types of agency adoptions - anonymous adoption and open adoption. In an anonymous adoption, you and your child will not know the identity of the birth parents, except by mutual consent when the child reaches adulthood. In an open adoption, one or both of your child's biological parents may keep in contact with the child without retaining parental rights.
- International adoption - Adopting a child from another nation can be an exceedingly complex legal process, as cooperation between two different governments is required. Qualified legal representation is of great importance if you have chosen this path to parenthood.
- Foster child adoption - If you are foster parents and want to adopt a child who has already been living with you, you may have somewhat of an advantage. So long as the child's biological parents have lost their parent rights permanently, your path to adoption may be simpler than most. You have likely already been deemed a safe home for a child in need, and the court will consider the bond you already share with the child you have been caring for.
Potential Barriers to Adoption
Being cleared to adopt a child can be difficult. The court will assess a number of factors, including:
- Your financial ability to provide for the child
- Your age
- Your physical and mental health and how it impacts your ability to provide childcare
- Your criminal history, if any
- Your current lifestyle and how caring for a child fits into it
- Your willingness to provide a religious upbringing for the child, if you are going through certain religion-based private adoption agencies
Each of these factors will be considered individually. An issue with any one factor - especially having a serious criminal record - may bar adoption. While being divorced or single is not a disqualifier, you will need to show that you have a childcare plan. Child custody orders affecting your existing children may also be scrutinized. It is critical to work with an attorney if you suspect that you will encounter any significant barriers.
Contact a Tarrant County, TX Adoption Attorney
The Law Office of J. Kevin Clark P.C. is committed to helping prospective parents become adoptive parents. Kevin Clark is experienced in helping with many different types of adoption in Texas and is prepared to help you. Contact us at 817-348-6723 for a complimentary initial consultation.