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Colleyville, TX Divorce Lawyer

Experienced Attorney Handling Divorce Cases in Colleyville, Texas

The outcome of your divorce will influence everything from the division of your assets to the amount of time you will be able to spend with your children during their upbringing. To make sure your rights will be protected, you need an attorney who will handle your case correctly while fighting for your rights and providing you with strategic insights into the best ways to achieve your goals. Whether your situation calls for a contested or uncontested divorce, The Law Office of J. Kevin Clark P.C. can provide the top-tier legal representation you need.

Attorney J. Kevin Clark is dedicated to securing the best possible outcome for you. He will work diligently to safeguard your financial interests and parental rights throughout the process. He can help you address any issue that may arise during your divorce, from dividing retirement assets to assisting with relocation matters involving your children. Whether you pursue mediation or litigation, you can rely on Mr. Clark’s decades of experience to guide you through your case effectively.

Child Custody and Divorce

When it comes to child custody, Texas courts prioritize the best interests of the child. This can result in either joint custody, where both parents will share decision-making responsibilities and time with the child, or sole custody, where one parent will assume the primary role. Determining the best custody arrangements will involve a thorough evaluation of the child's emotional, physical, and educational needs, as well as each parent's ability to meet those needs.

We recognize the importance of protecting your parental rights, and we can also help ensure that your child's well-being will remain front and center at all times. We can work with you to develop a parenting plan that is tailored to the unique needs of your family. Your parenting plan may include:

  • Visitation Schedules: We will help you establish fair and reasonable arrangements to ensure that your child can maintain a meaningful relationship with both parents.
  • Holidays and Vacations: We will make sure you understand how holidays, school breaks, and vacations will be shared between you and the other parent.
  • Decision-Making Responsibilities: We will help you determine how major decisions regarding education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities will be handled.

If necessary, we can provide representation in court hearings, working to secure custody arrangements that will reflect your child’s best interests while maintaining your parental rights. Whether your case involves straightforward custody matters or complex disputes with the other parent, The Law Office of J. Kevin Clark P.C. is committed to guiding you toward a favorable outcome.

Complex Property Division

During a divorce, all marital property must be divided equitably. Most of your assets will likely be considered marital property, regardless of who contributed the income used to acquire them. However, there are certain exceptions, such as assets owned before your marriage, inheritances or gifts received during the marriage, and settlement funds from personal injury cases, which are typically regarded as separate property.

Some types of property can be particularly difficult to divide. Common challenges involving complex property division include:

  • Income Properties: If you own rental properties or other assets that earn income, you may need to establish a method for dividing the money earned.
  • Businesses: If you or your spouse are business owners, you will likely need to perform a business evaluation and determine a fair way to divide business interests.
  • Retirement Accounts: If you or your spouse are close to retirement, or if either has already retired, your retirement savings may be a significant factor to address. When dividing the funds in these accounts, you will need to make sure to take the correct steps to avoid taxes and penalties.

Spousal Support (Alimony)

In some cases, one spouse may be entitled to alimony to help them maintain financial stability after divorce. Texas law provides for spousal support in situations where one spouse is unable to meet their basic needs without assistance. Several factors will determine whether spousal support is appropriate, including:

  • The length of the marriage
  • The financial resources of each spouse
  • Each spouse’s ability to earn income
  • Contributions made by one spouse to the education or career of the other
  • Any history of domestic violence

Spousal support can be awarded on a temporary or permanent basis, depending on the circumstances of a case. At The Law Office of J. Kevin Clark P.C., we can help you understand whether you may be eligible for spousal support or whether you may be required to make payments to your spouse. We will take steps to ensure that the amount and duration of payments are fair.

Child Support

Texas law requires parents to provide financial support for their children. Child support is designed to cover the child's essential needs, including:

  • Housing
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Day-to-day expenses

The court will calculate child support using established guidelines, but deviations from these guidelines may be appropriate if there are special needs or extraordinary circumstances. At The Law Office of J. Kevin Clark P.C., we work to ensure that child support orders are fair, accurately reflecting the needs of the child as well as the financial abilities of each parent. Whether you are seeking to establish child support, modify an existing order, or enforce a support agreement, our attorney will advocate for your rights and the best interests of your child.

Contact Our Colleyville Divorce Attorney

At The Law Office of J. Kevin Clark P.C., we have decades of experience, and we are dedicated to assisting families who are going through the divorce process. Our team is committed to providing you with top-quality legal support as you navigate this significant life transition. Contact us at 817-348-6723 to schedule a complimentary initial consultation.

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